繼Victoria Secret啟用跨性別模特兒Valentina Sampaio後,另一著奢華時尚品牌Chanel也宣布另一位跨性別模特兒Teddy Quinlivan 將為Chanel Beauty拍攝形象廣告,時尚界美的多元化浪潮,又再向前邁前一步。
-I find I don’t cry anymore when things are sad, but isn’t it interesting when we shed tears in moments of triumph. This was one of those triumphant cry moments for me. My whole life has been a fight. From being bullied at school consistently, kids threatening to kill me and going into graphic detail how they were going to do it, my own father beating me and calling me a fagot, to receiving industry blowback after speaking publicly about being sexually assaulted on the job... This was a victory that made all of that shit worth it. I had walked 2 shows for Chanel while I was living in stealth ( stealth meaning I hadn’t made my trans identity public yet) and when I came out I knew I’d stop working with some brands, I thought I’d never work with the iconic house of Chanel ever again. But here I am in Chanel Beauty Advertising. I am the first openly trans person to work for the house of Chanel, and I am deeply humbled and proud to represent my community. The world will kick you down, spit on you, and tell you you’re worthless. It’s your job to have the strength to stand up and push on, to keep fighting, Because if you give up then you will never experience the tears of triumph. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality! @nicolaskantor @shazmakeup @sebastienrichard1 @casadevallbelen
Theodora Quinlivan(@teddy_quinlivan)分享的貼文 於 張貼
從2015站上Louis Vuitton天橋,Teddy Quinlivan 一時成了時尚界寵兒,接連跟Gucci及吳季剛等重要品牌合作。2017年Teddy Quinlivan 公開自己的跨性別身分,表示自己在16歲時動了變性手術,儘管知道出櫃可能遇到反彈,然而他無畏的說:「我的樂觀大於恐懼!」

▲圖片來源/Teddy Quinlivan IG

▲圖片來源/Teddy Quinlivan IG
然而這位個性勇氣兼懼的女模,看似一路順遂的事業,並非一直稱心如意。在邁入這行的初期,也曾遭到性侵與騷擾。上個月Teddy Quinlivan 在社群媒體上公開自己將為Chanel代言,她激動地表示,當她出櫃後,她以為自己再沒有機會與Chanel合作,而如今她成為Chanel首位跨性別代言人,她為自己所代表的LGBT社群感到驕傲。她說:「我的一生都在戰鬥,從學生時期持續被霸凌,被威脅殺害甚至告之細節,我的父親毆打我、叫我娘娘腔,公開曾受性侵卻遭到同業反擊」而如今對過去這些垃圾經歷來說,「是一場值得一切的勝利!」